Show your appreciation for our frontline workers by taking care of yourself.

Cuídate bien para mostrar tu aprecio por nuestros trabajadores de primera línea.

If you’re wondering how to observe National Doctors’ Day today, we put together a list of things you can do to honor our frontline workers, ensure their safety, and improve your own health.

Stay active

Aside from weight control, regular exercise has many benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, managing blood sugar levels, improving mental health, strengthening the bones and muscles, and improving the way we sleep.

Stay hydrated

Water keeps every system in the body functioning properly. Its many functions include: carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells, flushing bacteria from your bladder, aiding digestion, normalizing blood pressure, stabilizing the heartbeat, protecting organs and tissues, regulating body temperature, and maintaining sodium balance. Without enough water every day, you can experience symptoms of dehydration: weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, or confusion.

Stay home

As per the CDC, staying home as much as possible is still the best thing to do right now. If you must go out, however, always wear your mask (even if you’re vaccinated), avoid crowds (restaurants, bars, gyms), wash your hands often, and stay 6 feet away from others.

Eat well

Having a healthy diet that consists of unprocessed food rich in nutrients is one the best things you can do for your own health (and your skin!). Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, whole-grain breads, and eggs. It’s also good to avoid sugary foods and adding extra salt to your meals.

Take Redoxon

Redoxon VITAMIN C + ZINC tablets protect both your immune and respiratory systems from colds and other illnesses. Furthermore, vitamin C helps reduce inflammation, degenerative diseases, and hypertension. Zinc helps protect the nervous system, prevent acne, increase insulin sensitivity, keep arteries clean.

Take care of yourself and the doctors in your life! Read more at the links below.

